
I have a directory, /etc/.svn,  which is setgid (2775/drwxrwsrx).

On running rkhunter 1.3.6 (installed from the .tar.gz, via the heanet
SF mirror), on one Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS ("Hardy") machine, I consistently
receive the message: 

    Warning: Hidden file found: /etc/.svn: setgid directory

Removing the setgid bit, I've found 
silences rkhunter, but I want this directory to be setgid, and I don't
want rkhunter to bitch.

I've tried "rkhunter --propupd", before and after zapping

Could anyone help me with the (rkhunter.conf) setting -- to whitelist
a setgid directory -- I can't find it in the docs, the manpage, nor
with a list archive, or the internet at large (unless my google fu is
also weak) search.

*Is* there a declaration I should be using (oddly, on $OTHERMACHINES,
rkhunter doesn't bitch about the directory being setgid)?



``Nothing says `unprofessional job' like wrinkles in duct tape.''
  (seen on the Internet)


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