Think I sent this to the wrong place

On 10/31/10 8:41 AM, "" <> wrote:

> We're close to releasing a new Rootkit Hunter version. But before
> we can we need you to test it in the coming two weeks. Please spare
> us a few minutes if you care. After testing please reply so we get
> an idea of how many people tested this release.
Haven't noticed any Mac OS X testers report in, so I figured I'd better
spend the day getting you something.

Not totally finished, but wanted to give you an almost complete report of
where I am through steps #1-6, 8 & a bit of 7.

Running Mac OS X 10.5.8 on an iMac G5 (PPC).  I know I need to buy an Intel
Mac, just haven't decided which one I want next.

1) Install went without a hitch.

2-4) -C, --update & --versioncheck all went fine.

5) --propupd went well, which is a change from the previous versions where I
had to use STAT_CMD=BUILTIN to get it to do anything.  Not sure it picked up
changes as I didn't really have a baseline to compare it to.

6) --enable all completed with the following warnings:

[18:02:33] Performing file properties checks
[18:04:08]   /usr/bin/fuser                                  [ Warning ]
[18:04:09] Warning: The command '/usr/bin/fuser' has been replaced by a
script: /usr/bin/fuser: perl script text executable

[18:05:33]   /usr/bin/whatis                                 [ Warning ]
[18:05:34] Warning: The command '/usr/bin/whatis' has been replaced by a
script: /usr/bin/whatis: Bourne shell script text executable

[18:08:07]   /sbin/nologin                                   [ Warning ]
[18:08:08] Warning: The command '/sbin/nologin' has been replaced by a
script: /sbin/nologin: Bourne shell script text executable

[18:10:05] Checking for rootkits...
[18:10:05] Performing check of known rootkit files and directories
[18:11:46] Checking for Dica-Kit Rootkit...
[18:11:56]   Checking for file '/etc/sshd_config'            [ Found ]
[18:12:01] Warning: Dica-Kit Rootkit                         [ Warning ]
[18:12:02]          File '/etc/sshd_config' found

[18:22:44]   Performing check for possible rootkit strings
[18:22:44] Info: Using system startup paths: /etc/rc.d /etc/rc.local
/usr/local/etc/rc.d /usr/local/etc/rc.local /etc/conf.d/local.start
/etc/init.d /etc/inittab
[18:22:44] Warning: Checking for possible rootkit strings    [ Warning ]
[18:22:45]          No system startup files found.

[18:22:47] Info: Starting test name 'running_procs'
[18:25:42]   Checking running processes for suspicious files [ Warning ]
[18:25:43] Warning: The following processes are using suspicious files:
[18:25:44]          Command: launchd
[18:25:45]            UID: 0    PID: 1
[18:25:46]            Pathname: /private/etc/crontab
[18:25:47]            Possible Rootkit: Unknown rootkit

[19:03:35] Info: Starting test name 'startup_malware'
[19:03:35]   Checking for system startup files               [ Warning ]
[19:03:36] Warning: No system startup files found.

[19:03:47]   Checking if SSH root access is allowed          [ Warning ]
[19:03:48] Warning: The SSH configuration option 'PermitRootLogin' has not
been set.
           The default value may be 'yes', to allow root access.

[19:03:56]   Checking for hidden files and directories       [ Warning ]
[19:03:57] Warning: Hidden file found: /etc/.DS_Store: JVT NAL sequence
[19:03:57] Warning: Hidden file found: /usr/share/man/man5/.rhosts.5.gz:
gzip compressed data, was ".rhosts.5", from Unix, last modified: Tue Sep 9
12:50:09 2008

[19:04:18] Checking application versions...
[19:04:26]   Checking version of Bind DNS                    [ Warning ]
[19:04:27] Warning: Application 'named', version '9.4.3-P3', is out of date,
and possibly a security risk.

[19:04:29]   Checking version of OpenSSL                     [ Warning ]
[19:04:30] Warning: Application 'openssl', version '0.9.7l', is out of date,
and possibly a security risk.

[19:04:35]   Checking version of OpenSSH                     [ Warning ]
[19:04:36] Warning: Application 'sshd', version '5.2p1', is out of date, and
possibly a security risk.

And noted the following skipped:

[18:00:31] Info: All ksyms and kallsyms checks will be skipped - neither
file is present on the system.

[18:02:31]   Checking LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable               [ Skipped ]
[18:02:32] Info: Unable to find the 'ldd' command

[18:13:07]   Checking for kernel symbol 'heroin'             [ Skipped ]
[18:13:08] Heroin LKM                                        [ Not found ]

[18:14:02] Checking for IntoXonia-NG Rootkit...
[18:14:02]   Checking for kernel symbol 'funces'             [ Skipped ]
[18:14:03]   Checking for kernel symbol 'ixinit'             [ Skipped ]
[18:14:04]   Checking for kernel symbol 'tricks'             [ Skipped ]
[18:14:05]   Checking for kernel symbol 'kernel_unlink'      [ Skipped ]
[18:14:06]   Checking for kernel symbol 'rootme'             [ Skipped ]
[18:14:06]   Checking for kernel symbol 'hide_module'        [ Skipped ]
[18:14:07]   Checking for kernel symbol 'find_sys_call_tbl'  [ Skipped ]
[18:14:08] IntoXonia-NG Rootkit                              [ Not found ]

[18:16:03] Checking for Sebek LKM...
[18:16:03]   Checking for kernel symbol 'adore or sebek'     [ Skipped ]
[18:16:04] Sebek LKM                                         [ Not found ]

[18:20:16] Checking for Vampire Rootkit...
[18:20:16]   Checking for kernel symbol 'new_getdents'       [ Skipped ]
[18:20:17]   Checking for kernel symbol 'old_getdents'       [ Skipped ]
[18:20:18]   Checking for kernel symbol 'should_hide_file_name' [ Skipped ]
[18:20:18]   Checking for kernel symbol 'should_hide_task_name' [ Skipped ]
[18:20:19] Vampire Rootkit                                   [ Not found ]

[18:25:56]   Checking for software intrusions                [ Skipped ]
[18:25:57] Info: Check skipped - tripwire not installed

[18:26:02] Performing trojan specific checks
[18:26:02]   Checking for enabled inetd services             [ Skipped ]
[18:26:03] Info: Check skipped - file '/etc/inetd.conf' does not exist.

[18:26:04]   Checking for enabled xinetd services            [ Skipped ]
[18:26:04] Info: Check skipped - file '/etc/xinetd.conf' does not exist.

[18:26:05] Info: Apache backdoor check skipped: Apache modules and
configuration directories not found.

[18:26:05] Info: Starting test name 'os_specific'
[18:26:06] Performing Darwin specific checks                 [ Skipped ]
[18:26:06] Info: No specific tests available

[19:03:29] Checking for hidden ports                         [ Skipped ]
[19:03:29] Info: Unable to find the 'unhide-tcp' command

Most of the warnings and skips I recognize from previous versions, but I
will have to give them some additional analysis.

7) I forgot to remove rkhunter.conf.local the first time I tried everything,
so I do know that whitelisting worked for the 'sshd_config' file found
above.  If I get time I'll try some other items.  You've fixed a couple of
things that I previously worked around with rkhunter.conf.local so I'll need
to re-edit it.

8) -c --sk ran with seemingly identical results.

9) You previously told us that RKH does not support any package manager for
OSX, so I'm guessing I can ignore this one.

I've got some thoughts, but I'll save them for a separate email and if I run
into any further issues I'll be back.

Al Varnell
Mountain View, CA

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