On Mon, 2010-11-29 at 12:10 +0100, Florian Barth wrote:
> Hello,
> my question follows from a security-issue. A machines was attacked
> and /bin/ping was substituted. Why did rkhunter not recognize this
> substitution? It seems to me that /bin/ping is never checked whether
> it was substituted or not. What is the reason for this behavior? From
> my point of view it is important to check all files, where the
> SUID-Bit is set.
Originally only commands which were known to have been used in attacks
were checked. We have expanded this a bit, but it does not check all
commands and does not search out for suid commands.

Since RKH can be quite slow checking a lot of commands, I would suggest
using something actually designed for this purpose such as Aide,
Tripwire or Samhain (if I remember correctly).

If you really want RKH to monitor it then use the


John Horne, University of Plymouth, UK
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