On 2011-06-27 5:24 PM, John Horne wrote:
> The stored time is the modification time on the file when '--propupd'
> was last used, not the time when '--propupd' was run.

Ok, I guess I'm just dumb...

What is the difference between 'using' --propupd and 'running'
--propupd? I thought its only purpose was to update these mod times so
that it thinks they are all good/safe?

>>> Are you using a package manager?
>> Yes - Gentoo's... I am using the standard ebuild in portage...

> Sorry, no I mean are you using an rkhunter package manager in your
> config file?

No idea what that means... so, probably, no...

> I can't think of any immediate reason for the warnings to continuously
> appearing. However I have a slight nagging that I did read of this some
> time ago for another user.
> You could run 'rkhunter --propupd --debug' and email me the debug file
> dumped in /tmp if you want.

Will do, but it will have to wait a bit...

Also - any idea why I'm getting duplicates of every list message?

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