On 2011-07-01 9:40 AM, John Horne wrote:
>> Attached are the two logs... the .old is last nights nightly run, and
>> the .log is a --propupd I just ran a few minutes ago...

> Something not quite right:
>  rkhunter.log: [08:54:50] Info: Command line is /usr/sbin/rkhunter
>     --cronjob --nocolors --summary --createlogfile /var/log/rkhunter.log
>  rkhunter.log.old: [08:54:42] Info: Command line is /usr/sbin/rkhunter
>     --nocolor --update
> The 'rkhunter.log' is fine, but I need a log file of 'rkhunter
> --propupd'.

I grabbed both of these *after* I ran rkhunter --propupd... so the .log
*should* be the one you're asking for, correct?

> Email the log file to me directly, no need for it to go to the list.

Ok - but again, I ran --propupd, and got the email warning about the
same 6 files, then went and grabbed the current .log and .log.old files...

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