Hi there,

On Sun, 18 Sep 2016, kel kintz wrote:

> http://imgur.com/a/3naNB


There are much better ways to tell us what you've found than a link to
a photograph of your screen. :)  We'll look at that later.

> What should my next steps be?

Don't panic!  You're obviously very new (because e.g. you don't seem to
have found the grep '-i' switch:) and we need to take a few steps back.

> Rkhunter found some warnings.

It often does.

> Also can someone explain what a perl script is and how it works?

That's a fairly big question.  In the interests of brevity I'm going
to wave my hands a bit here, and take some liberties.

Perl is a language.  It's an extraordinarily useful language and the
one I usually go to for hacking quick programs together, especially
if it will involve processing text - at which Perl excels.

There are more or less two kinds of language, those that are
'interpreted' and those that are 'compiled'.

With an interpreted language, you write your program and to run it
something called an 'interpreter' does the work more or less directly
from what you've written.  If you make any syntax mistakes in the
program, the interpreter finds them when it gets to them and probably
just stops, right there in the middle of your program.

With a compiled language, you write your program and then hand the
program to something (a 'compiler') which creates from it something
called an 'executable'.  The executable does the work when you run it,
not the program file that you wrote, and not the compiler.  You could
throw away the file containing the code you wrote and the executable
would still work.  In fact that's often what happens when people
download 'source packages' and build them - at least in the Unix-style
world.  If you make any syntax mistakes in the program, the compiler
finds them when it sees your code, tells you about them, and doesn't
create an executable.  So you have nothing to run until you've written
a program with no syntax mistakes.  Of course the compiler can't know
if your program makes any sense or not, even if there are no mistakes
in the syntax.

Perl is an interpreted language, and the interpreter is called 'perl'.
The code that you write is called Perl code and a program that you
write (Perl code) in the Perl language is called a Perl script.

Generally speaking, scripts are what you write for any interpreter.
They are often quick-and-dirty hacks to get something done quickly
but they can be an integral part of your operating system setup, as
you will see if you look in /etc/ and subdirectories on a Linux box.
A script can be a couple of lines of code or hundreds of thousands.

There are many interpreters, sometimes several different ones for the
same language.  Same with compilers.


Getting back to the point:
What is the system you are working on?
When and how did you come by it?
What have you done with it?
What makes you think you need to use rkhunter on it?



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