On Tue, 27 Sep 2016 17:40:21 +0200
meik michalke <meik.micha...@uni-duesseldorf.de> wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, 15. September 2016, 13:44:03 CEST schrieb meik
> michalke:
> > i noticed that when i click on, e.g., an *.R file, RKWard doesn't
> > properly open it any longer (KF5 build). the error message doesn't
> > refer to the actual  file but just its directory and offers to open
> > it in the default application (which fires up dolphin).
> unfortunately, the bug re-appeared (KF5). it is only present when
> RKWard is already running, i.e., if RKWard is closed and i click on
> an *.R file, it is opened in RKWard. but if i try to open the next
> file the same way, i get the error explained above.

Same symptom, separate cause. Now fixed.


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