Hi again,
I hadn't installed kate or kwrite, but after installing the former (which
came with a whole bunch of kf5 packages), the file selection window in
rkward worked!
Thanks again,

On 17 April 2018 at 16:35, Thomas Friedrichsmeier <
thomas.friedrichsme...@ruhr-uni-bochum.de> wrote:

> On Tue, 17 Apr 2018 16:19:48 +0200
> Rob van Bemmelen <rvanbemme...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Dear Thomas,
> > Thanks for your rapid response! Yes, this solved the issue! Great,
> > thanks a lot!
> >
> > However, a new issue popped up: I the 'open script file' window, I
> > can't see any folders or files (just blank space). They do show up
> > when saving a script file or opening a workspace...
> > Any idea?
> Not immediately, no. This should be just a regular file selection
> dialog. Can you see anything in the "Files" tool window on the right
> side of the main window? If you have installed kate or kwrite, do you
> see the same issue in File->Open, there?
> > (Installing libkf5config-bin also changed the appearance of my
> > desktop...)
> Hm. Probably it pulled in some additional dependencies. I'll look into
> doing without this for future versions. (Actually it's just a
> random binary that I _thought_ could be assumed to be present in any
> KF5 installation...)
> Regards
> Thomas

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