
On Fri, 02 Nov 2018 21:26:57 +0100
Pierre de Villemereuil <pierre.de.villemere...@mailoo.org> wrote:
> Is there any reason why the "progress" package doesn't display
> progress bars in RKWard?

I have not quite figured out the details, but essentially: It doesn't
want to display the bar, because it thinks it's not supported, for
some reason.

> Anything I need to do to make RKWard work nicely with "progress"?
> Would be sad that a GUI cannot display a progress bar where the CLI
> can! ;)

  pb <- progress_bar$new(total = 100, force=TRUE)
  # ...
  f ()

This may be something to raise with the maintainers of progress.
Although, again, I have not fully understood the details of _why_ the
package believes it cannot display a progress bar in RKWard, yet.


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