
Am Mittwoch, 1. Mai 2019, 21:07:48 CEST schrieb Thomas Friedrichsmeier:
> But you say it's being expanded, correctly, in the next session? I.e.
> shows up correctly when installing packages?

i manually created the missing 3.6 dir and restarted RKWard. then it also 
correctly showed up in .libPaths(). before creating the dir in earlier 
sessions, the path was missing the whole "/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.6" 

viele grüße :: m.eik

  dipl. psych. meik michalke
  institut f"ur experimentelle psychologie
  abt. f"ur diagnostik und differentielle psychologie
  heinrich-heine-universit"at d-40204 d"usseldorf

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