Hi Meik,

On Sunday 12 October 2014 19:37:20 m-...@users.sf.net wrote:
> rkwarddev: enhanced the R code shown by the skeleton dialog to be a better
> start for your own rkwarddev scripts (optionset still refuses to work,
> btw...)

not sure, what the part about the optionset refers to. If you want me to take 
a look, somewhere, let me know (it _is_ a rather non-trivial control...).

Anyway, I looked at the skeleton dialog. The optionset there seemed to do 
exactly what it is meant to do. However, for a very simple input like this, a 
more elegant alternative may be a <matrix mode="string" 
allow_user_resize_rows="true" allow_user_resize_columns="false">.


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