contains the GRUB boot loader. This is
necessary if you don't want to boot from floppy or
Just unzip it to c:\ then run c:\boot\grub\w32grub
This would patch the necessary files(under XP, not
linux). Then add :
c:\boot\stage1="GRUB" to c:\boot.ini
and you now have a grub boot loader on your XP system
which can be used to boot all flvors of linux. Check
the GRUB manual for detail how to add entries to GRUB.

> ar mai fi niste probleme. 
> 1. nu am cd bootabil cu win xp.
> 2. folosesc grub
> m-ar ajuta daca asi face un rescue disk, sau ceva de
> genul asta?
> stiu ca e o lista de discutii pentru linux, dar aici
> chiar nu am stiut cum sa fac si nu cred ca gasesc pe o
> lista de discutii XP cum sa rezolv chestia asta
> Multumesc,
> Andrei
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