I need these papers below. So, if any one have any of these papers, or any
paper that may help me in the felid of
"www robot ( information retrieval )using neural network" ,
Please, Send it to me.

The papers are

1- J. C. Scholtes. "Neural nets and their relevance for information
retrieval". ITLI Prepublication CL-91-02, University of Amsterdam, Institute
for Language, Logic and Information, Department of Computational
Linguistics, October 1991.

2- Tamas E. Doszkocs, James Reggia, and Xia Lin.
"Connectionist models and information retrieval".
In Martha E. Williams, editor, Annual Review of Information Science and
Technology (ARIST) , volume 25, pages 209-260. Elsevier, 1990.

3- K. L. Kwok. "A neural network for probabilistic information retrieval".
In N. J. Belkin and C. J. van Rijsbergen, editors, Proceedings of the
Twelfth Annual International A CMSIGIR Conference on Research and
Development in Information Retrieval, pages 21-30. ACM, June 1989.

4- Richard K. Belew. "Adaptive information retrieval: Using a connectionist
representation to retrieve and learn about documents".
In N. J. Belkin and C. J. van Rijsbergen, editors, Proceedings of the
Twelfth Annual International A CMSIGIR Conference on Research
and Development in Information Retrieval , pages 11-20. ACM, June 1989.

5- Gerard Salton and Chris Buckley . "On the use of spreading activation
methods in automatic information retrieval".
In Yves Chiaramella, editor, 11th International Conference on Research and
Development in Information Retrieval, pages 147-160.
ACM SIGIR, June 1988.

6- Paul R. Cohen and Rick Kjeldsen. "Information retrieval by constrained
spreading activation in semantic networks".
Information Processing and Management , 23(4):255-268, 1987.

7- Ross Wilkinson and Philip Hingston.
"Using the cosine measure in a neural network for document retrieval".
In A. Bo okstein, Y. Chiaramella, G. Salton, and V. V. Ragha van, editors,
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International A CM/SIGIR Conference on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval, pages 202-210. A CM,
Octob er 1991.

8- Andrew Jennings and Hideyuki Higuc hi.
"A user model neural network for a personal news service".
User Modeling and Uaer-Adapted Interaction, 3(1):1-25, 1993.

Thank u.
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