I have changed the robots mailing list to run on Mailman, GNU MLM software,
which I've been trying out for another list for a while.  I'm satisfied that
it offers better features and more reliability and security than what I've
been using.

By now, you should have already received a welcome message from the server,
which includes the URL to make changes to your account and a password for
doing so.


If you were subscribed in digest mode, you *may* need to make that change in
the new system.  However, I'm doing my best to take care of that manually.

If you had set the list to "Vacation" (subscribed but not receiving posts)
you will need to set your account to "Nomail".

The list will now be automatically archived on my server, but please note
that it is also available at mail-archive.com.

My apologies if this causes any undue distress.  Feel free to contact me
privately with complaints, questions, etc.

Nick Arnett

(408) 904-7198

Robots mailing list

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