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Hello, world! This is Simon Cozens, managing editor,
bringing you the latest goings-on from the world of Perl and our
own site.

* Perl at large.

Those of you who were at YAPC or TPC probably witnessed Mark-Jason
Dominus' fantastic "Mailing List Judo" talk. Designed as a survival
guide to perl5-porters, it's equally applicable (and equally funny)
to many other open source mailing lists. David Wheeler videotaped
the talk and it's available from

Multiple treats for the growing number of Mac Perl users: this
week is O'Reilly's Mac OS X Conference, where Dan Sugalski gave
a talk on writing graphical Perl applications; brian d foy has
released a plethora of modules for doing fun things with iTunes;
and Randal Schwartz has written an article for the O'Reilly
Network on using Perl, AppleScript, and Web services together.

Finally, are you in South Florida? Get yourself over to the Duck
at Boca Raton on October 15 for the inaugual meeting of South
Florida Perl Mongers!

* What's new on

Once again, Piers brings us this week's Perl 6 summary:
Surprisingly, nothing about multilevel keys this time. However,
he does bring news of some short-term goals for PMCs, a new
version of IMCC, "for" with multiple lists, a huge list speedup,
and more:

Have you ever used a hash in Perl? Of course you have. But have
you thought about what a hash is, how they work, and how Perl
implements them? Knowing these things can make our own use of
hashes more efficient. Abhijit Menon-Sen takes us through
Hashes 101:

Thanks to your responses to the Ask the Camel idea--please keep
them coming to [EMAIL PROTECTED] We plan to start
answering them in a week or so.

Simon Cozens

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*** Featured Articles ***

How Hashes Really Work
We're all used to using hashes, and expect them to just work. But
what actually is a hash, when it comes down to it, and how do they
work? Abhijit explains!


This week on Perl 6 (9/23 - 9/29, 2002)
An IMCC update, the Scheme interpreter, lists and list references
again, and a load besides...


An AxKit Image Gallery
Continuing our look at AxKit, Barrie demonstrates the use of
AxKit on non-XML data: images and operating system calls.


This week on Perl 6 (9/16 - 9/22, 2002)
The neverending keys thread, lists versus list references, and a
load besides...


This week on Perl 6 (9/9 - 9/15, 2002)
Goals for the next release, arrays and hashes, hypothetical
variables, getting more Parrot hackers, and a load besides...


Embedding Webservers
Web browsers are ubiquitous these days - it's hard to find a
machine without one. To make use of a web browser, you need a
web server, and they are simple enough to write that you can
stick them almost anywhere.

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