urban research special
Saturday, 18 February
starting on time!
Adam Kossoff  UK  Moscow Diary  46 min 30  2010

urban research
program III:
Activismo Experimental: Artists Involved!

Saturday, 18 February

Directors Lounge at Naherholung Sternchen
Berolinastraße 7
10178 Berlin / Mitte
(Ubhf- Schillingstraße
hinter Kino International / Rathaus Mitte)

In recent years, art has become increasingly political, again. The societies around the globe and even in Europe and the United States seem to wake up from the rigidity of the paralysing West-East conflict, and its aftermath, when there seemed to be no alternative to economic liberalism. Some artists take amazing risks to do public actions, others try to subvert written or unwritten laws in more subtle ways, however, in many ways, the society has become the material again for artists to experiment with. Furthermore, the cheeky and anarchist stance many artists have developed may have an influence on how the freedom to speech, which seems to be in jeopardy again, will be interpreted and used in the future.

* Cesy  Leonard  DE  Schuld. Die Barbarei Europas  16 min 00  2011
* Eduardo  Srur  BR  Bandit Bull  3 min 22  2010
* Russell J.  Chartier  US  Confined  3 min 34
* Daniel  Künzler  AT  Inside Pockets Of The City  13 min 17  2011
* Diane  Nerwen  US  Up On The Farm  16 min  2011
* Vladimir  Turner  CZ  Dum Z Karet  2 min 36
* Sheldon  Brown  US  The Scalable City   4 min 04  2007
* Matt  Grau  DE  Lachen in der U-Bahn  2 min 59  2011
* Eduardo  Srur  BR  Attack  3 min 34  2004
* Brandstifter  DE  Ein kleines Stück Papier  10 min 00  2008

77 min

With special guests: Frank Behnke, Klaus Beyer, Brandstifter, Tanja Roolfs, Carsten Wagner (Ein kleines Stück Papier)

Brandstifter DE Asphaltbibliotheque Berlin 2011
Exhibition with lost and found sheets of paper

The installation "Asphaltbibliotheque Berlin 2011" at Directors Lounge works together with the screening of Brandstifter's documentation of his long term concept "Ein kleines Stück Papier" for Urban Art Research, displaying the gathered remains from Friedrichshain, Kreuzberg, Lichtenberg, Mitte and Neukölln from the "lost&found art research tour Hannover-Berlin" Easter 2011 as a brief sample of his huge collection that he archives from public space since 1998.

The Poetry of Papers "The Asphaltbibliotheque shows how poetic and many-layered artistic reordering can make an idea that is simple in itself. Brandstifter understands how to charge the profane with the poetic, and in so doing to provide playfully anarchic inspiration to conceive the everyday world as a freely formable work of art." (Martin Büsser, art critic, author, publisher, Testcard/Ventil Verlag)

Find more infos on the films and the program at:

The 8th Berlin International Directors Lounge 2012
9-19 February 2012
open daily from 18:00
daily program, screening, installations, bar, lounge and music
doors free until 10 pm

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Klaus W. Eisenlohr, Osnabrücker Str. 25, D-10589 Berlin

eMail Adresse:          off...@richfilm.de
Homepage:               http://www.kw-eisenlohr.de
Film Produktion:                http://www.richfilm.de

Telefon:                        int.- 49 - 30 - 3409 5343 (BERLIN)
richfilm productions, Klaus W. Eisenlohr, Osnabrücker Str. 25, D-10589 Berlin

eMail Adresse:          off...@richfilm.de
Homepage !!!            http://www.kw-eisenlohr.de
Film Produktion:                http://www.richfilm.de

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