daniela fromberg & stefan roigk.
beside the liquid mirror.
[casting a shadow is worth it]
9:00 minutes, 2011

The nine-minute “video loop beside the liquid mirror [casting a shadow is worth 
it]” shows with a fixed camera position a dark, fragmented architecture, on 
which was projected a video of almost moveless  nighttime stills. By the 
searching light movements and sudden light changes of this video material a 
scene full spatial illusions and dream-like visions gets displayed out of the 
nowhere, to disappear in the next moment. The video projection splits apart on 
a stagelike situation of bulky furniture and construction materials, so that 
the spatial scales of objects and projection dissolve almost beyond 
recognition. In this scene, reminiscent of Schwitters' Merz building or 
deconstructivist architecture, the two artists handle mysteriously with 
everyday objects such as balloons, boxing gloves and wings and move apparently 
through doors where there are none.

Picture and sound level are composed parallel and their equal treatment stands 
in the tradition of visual music. The sound characteristics of the musique 
concrète soundtrack consists mainly of balloon sounds that are interwoven with 
indoor recordings, vocal fragments and concrete sounds. The musique concrète 
soundtrack creates an obscure swirrling universe by collaging interior 
field-recordings with vocal fragments and concrete sounds. The dwellers of this 
world in between seem to interact urgently, though the deliberate ambiguity of 
the narration represents objectivity and sensitivity at the same time.


"beside the liquid mirror [ casting a shadow is worth it ]" was filmed at the 
artist residency Hotel Pupik in Scheifling, Austria. It is based on the 
projected images and soundscape of the video-soundinstallation "liquid mirror 
casting [ by a charred palace ]" and was inspired by Max Ernst‘s Collage "das 
schlafzimmer des meisters".

"beside the liquid mirror [casting a shadow is worth it]" received a visual 
music award honouring prize in 2011. visualmusicaward.de/

the artists.

Multidisciplinary artists Daniela Fromberg and Stefan Roigk are living in 
Berlin, Germany. Their work deals with the borders between abstract sound 
collages, installations and video. They combine different types of media like 
sculpture, sound art, performance, music and video to one single composition. 
They have exhibited in art spaces and galleries in Germany, Austria, Italy, 
USA, Spain, Switzerland and Mexico. Their work has been published on several 
records and presented in classes and talks at academies and public institutions.


stefan roigk. 

dänenstrasse 8 | 10439 berlin. 
030-54719808 | 0163-8647473

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