Art Leaks 
First Working: June 3rd at19:00 at Flutgraben
Assembly and Workshop: June 4th 20:00 at Westgermany

We would like to bring your attention to our more focused second meeting in 
Berlin which will follow up the ArtLeaks’ 1st Working Assembly, around the 
issues that are
at the core of the group’s mission, namely exposing instances of abuse, 
and exploitation in the art world - to be held at Flutgraben on June 3rd from
19:00 (  

Then on Monday, June 4th, 8pm at Westgermany in
collaboration with Interflugs, ArtLeaks will co-host a workshop in which we
would like to focus on specific cases submitted to our platform, and what we
may learn from these instances of abuse and exploitation to create an
international front of solidarity to struggle for cultural workers’ rights. How
can we then challenge ourselves to re-imagine fairer relationships to
institutions, organizations, networks and economies involved in the production
and consumption of art and culture? In addressing these concerns as a group, we
will develop themes that will form the bases of ArtLeaks’ upcoming publication,
a journal which will be entirely dedicated to censorship, cultural workers’
rights and formulating strategies and goals of organizing cultural
ArtLeaks members: Corina Apostol, Vlad Morariu,
David Riff, Dmitry Vilensky, Raluca Voinea will facilitate the workshop in 
collaboration with Interflugs
and friends. Special thanks to West

Monday, June 4th, 8pm
Place: West
Germany, Skalitzer Str. 133, S-Kottbusser Tor
The workshop
will be held in English.

looking forward top your participation 


dmitry vilensky
Chto Delat? 

Oranienbaumskaya 20 - 15
197110 St. Petersburg 

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