The 9th Berlin International Directors Lounge
7 February at 20:00 until 17 February at 04:00

[DL9], the 9th Berlin International Directors Lounge, the annual festival for contemporary media and film, is heading at you, faster than a bullet and with more power to knock you off your feet. Flights of fancy without (more than occasional) flights from sanity - just what the doctor ordered, antidote and overdose rolled into one. Films have come in from all over the globe, all shapes and sizes, to be trussed up into the neatest of packages and their fuses lit for the explosion. And snaking around it all, live music and performance art and a whole lot more. These eleven days dare you to miss them.

The Naherholung Sternchen, in-spot with cult appeal, will once again provide the stage for this melding of flickering visions and formidable visionaries... just behind the near-legendary Kino International near Alexanderplatz, eleven days waiting to shake your world. A truly one-off Berliner film-and-more experience. No sides drawn up - filmmaker and film-goer thrown together. No red carpet, but a yellow brick road into Wonder City.

Nine years can't be wrong. Believing is indeed seeing.

the festival for contemporary media and film
February 7 - 17, Naherholung Sternchen, behind the Kino International
U-Schillingstraße | Berolinastr. 7, 10178 Berlin-Mitte

Daily from 6 pm - open end
no admission till 8 pm

Opening Reception Thurs., Feb. 7, 8 pm
The Groovy Dada Lounge Revisited Feb 8
Festiwelt Party@Directors Lounge, Feb. 13
Interfilm Party@Directors Lounge, Feb 15

Urban Research
Program I Saturday, 9 Febr. 18:00
Program II Monday, 11 Febr 19:00
Program III Friday, 15 Febr. 18:00

The Program is out! Check it out at

Tell us you will be coming:

Team Directors Lounge

richfilm productions, Klaus W. Eisenlohr, Osnabrücker Str. 25, D-10589 Berlin

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