A reality check on the creative industries

Talks, Discussions, Art, Workshops, Performances
20-21 November 2014
@Trouw Amsterdam

The Institute of Network Cultures presents MYCREATIVITY SWEATSHOP, an 
international symposium where artists, scholars and activists critically probe 
the conditions of creative production in today’s economy. Two days of panels, 
performances, discussions and workshops/sweatshops will open a space to focus 
on the consequences of global creative industries policy, to discuss 
alternatives and to highlight and develop new paths for both survival and 

Creative industries policy in many countries is radically reshaping the 
conditions of creative production. Simultaneously, new technologies are 
increasingly turning creative processes into a function of big data streams, 
algorithms and digital scalability. This raises many questions: what are the 
new physical, technological and aesthetic spaces of subversion and critique? 
How does creative industry policy and the big data economy influence and shape 
the idea of artistic autonomy? And, as the ‘creative’ city mutates into the 
‘smart’ city, what are appropriate tactics and strategies for smart 
interventions from below?

We invite artists, managers, designers, computer engineers, cultural workers, 
internet entrepreneurs, educators, market strategists, squatters, policy makers 
and anyone else interested in forging new ways and means for creative survival, 
to join us on 20-21 November at Trouw in Amsterdam.

Speakers:  Pek van Andel | Zach Blas | Florian Cramer | Sigrid Dyekjaer | Mark 
Fisher | Pascal Gielen | Joke Hermes | Robert Hewison | Marijke Hoogenboom | 
Pieter van Huystee | Rob van Kranenburg | Sven Lutticken | Frank Rieger | Sarah 
Sharma | Josie Slater | Bruce Sterling | 

Sweatshops: DIY 3D Design | Dictator Chips | Parasitic Organising | Masterclass 
Serendipity | SmartNL | Political Co-working | First Aid Failed Projects.

Topics: Creative Production after the Creative industries  - Documentary Film: 
Pitching, Digitization and Authorship - 
Artistic Autonomy and its Future -  My Creativity, Your Depression  -  The 
Internet of Things - From the Creative City to the Smart City.

More information, tickets and updates on the program:
MyCreativity Sweatshop – 20-21 November 2014
Trouw Amsterdam
Tickets are € 20,- (regular) and € 10,- (student discount) per day.

MyCreativity: Sweatshop is an initiative of the Institute of Network Cultures, 
Hogeschool van Amsterdam, CREATE-IT, Center of Expertise, Arts in Society 
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific 
rohrpost - deutschsprachige Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze

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