An E-mail Conversation with [mez] Mary-Anne Breeze

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mez, netwurker, data[h!]bleeder, ms post modemism, mezflesque.exe, ova.kill,
net.w][ho][urker, Purrsonal Areah Netwurker, Phonet][r][ix ... The
pseudomyms of the Australian Internet artist Mary-Anne Breeze are as
multifaceted and multilayered as is her artistic work. In issue #005 of Re:
MAGAZINE Mary-Anne Breeze talks about her own language of artistic creation
called mezangelle which is composed by the playful use of aspects of form
and content like orthography, semantics and punctuation and mixed with the
hybrid use of segmented code and programming languages, Internet-slang and
literary texts. In her own words, her wurks r never really finished; they
kinda hang together in a faux_fixed state, rdy.4.the.next.incarnation.

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magazine: http://re.cont3xt.net
interview: http://re.cont3xt.net/pdf/Re_005.pdf
exhibition: http://del.icio.us/TAGallery/EXHIBITION_solo.wurk

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Re: MAGAZINE is an editorial project by CONT3XT.NET (Sabine Hochrieser,
Michael Kargl (a.k.a. carlos katstrofsky) and Franz Thalmair). This is a
newsletter by CONT3XT.NET (ZVR: 999765999, Vienna/Austria). If you do not
want to receive information anymore please reply with "NO newsletter".
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