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Directory's Wed., 09.01.2008 12:28
[-]--"I guess the most exiting place in the world, [...] Africa. 
 |   Because it's another world." (transl. by n0name)
 |   Clint Eastwood
 |   http://www.kenya.de
[-]--"Wherever I travel, everywhere I feel [...] respect for our 
 |   German, perhaps one can even say European approach [...]."
 |   (transl. by n0name)
 |   Minister for Foreign Affairs of FRG Frank-Walter Steinmeier
 |   http://www.fes.de/inhalt/Dokumente_2007/
 |   Beitrag_Kompass_2020_64_kb.mp3 [approx. at 02:01:00]
 |    |
 |    |
 |   Friedrich Ebert was the first democratically elected President 
 |   of Germany.
 |   When he died in 1925, The Friedrich Ebert Sfiftung (Foundation) 
 |   was founded.
 |   http://kenya.fes-international.de
 |    |
 |    |
 |   [-]--[1919] Now Ebert assigned Gustav Noske to establish more 
 |        free military corps.
 |        Eduard Stadtler has been founding an "Antibolshewistic 
 |        League" at that time and some leaders of the association 
 |        of industry donated five million Reichsmark each. 
 |        With this money recruitment and equipment of the military 
 |        corps and rewards for the ascertainment and murder of 
 |        Spartakists were payed.
 |        Karl Liebknecht [and Rosa Luxemburg] [...]. Probably 
 |        after consultations with Noske and/or the army's 
 |        headquarters Waldemar Pabst commanded to kill them.
 |        (transl. by n0name)
 |        http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosa_Luxemburg [in German]
 |         |
 |         |
 |        The FES in Kenya supported [...] the development of 
 |        programmatic positions and discussions of important 
 |        fields in politics.
 |        The programm's aim on the long run is to train a core 
 |        of political leaders, who feel obliged to social and 
 |        democratic principals. (transl. by n0name)
 |        http://www.fes.de/sets/home_afr.htm
 |         |
 |         |
 |        in partnership with freidrich Ebert Stiftung(FES)
 |        http://www.youthagenda.org/Partners.html
[-]--GTZ has been active in Kenya on behalf of the German Federal 
 |   Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
 |   http://www.gtz.de/en/aktuell/1004.htm
 |    |    |
 |    |    |
 |    |   Peace Support and Training Centre (PSTC) in Kenya
 |    |   http://www.gtz.de/de/praxis/7315.htm
 |    |    |
 |    |    |
 |    |   Methods of Instruction Course for CIMIC [Civil-Military 
 |    |   Co-operation] instructors [...]
 |    |   Funding Partner GTZ
 |    |   http://www.apsta-africa.org/events/karenpstc07.pdf
 |    |    |
 |    |    |
 |    |   Peace Support Training Centre (PSTC)
 |    |   Westwood Park Road
 |    |   Karen, Nairobi
 |    |   ~ here:
 |    |   http://maps.google.de/maps?f=l&hl=de&geocode=&time=&date=
 |    |   &ttype=&q=category:+Parks&ie=UTF8&near=nairobi&cd=1&ei=94KDR7
 |    |   aaLoXgogOJ06yFBw&ll=-1.336434,36.692963&spn=0.124421,0.181274
 |    |   &t=h&z=13&om=1
 |    |    |
 |    |    |
 |    |   There is one Somali designate Colonel
 |    |   http://www.somaligov.tripod.com/mod/id15.html
 |    |    |
 |    |    |
 |    |   Karen Blixon's house, in the suburb of Nairobi called 
 |    |   "Karen".
 |    |   http://www.jao.com/africa/kenya/pic01.html
 |    |    |
 |    |    |
 |    |   Road from Karen to Nairobi centre
 |    |   http://picasaweb.google.com/alkirui/ChristmasHolidayInKenya
 |    |   Dec2006/photo#5027726547471344498
 |    |    |
 |    |    |
 |    |   help to train Kenyan and Rwandan military
 |    |   http://www.mod.uk/DefenceInternet/DefenceNews/TrainingAnd
 |    |   Adventure/RafHelpToTrainKenyanAndRwandanMilitary.htm
 |    |
 |    |
 |   [-]--IT-Manager
 |        Waldorf Educationist and
 |        Development Aid Colunteer
 |        As A co-founder of the EATAE [...]. The EATAE
 |        enjoys of co-operation with the GTZ Nairobi, the 
 |        german state development aid organisation
 |        EATAE = East-African Trust for Art & Education 
 |        http://www.irmgard-wutte.de/pages/proerwachs.htm
[-]--The SPLM [Sudan People's Liberation Movement 
 |   http://www.splmtoday.com] Government has already signed a 
 |   25-year, build, operate and transfer (BOT) agreement with the 
 |   Thormalehn group, which will allow the latter to build a 4,000 
 |   kilometre rail network in return for mineral concessions to 
 |   German firms.
 |   A pre-feasibility study is to be carried out on a project to 
 |   link the city of Juba in Southern Sudan, with the Kenyan port 
 |   of Mombasa by railway. It has already received broad approval 
 |   from the governments of Kenya and Sudan.
 |   http://www.nepad.org/2005/news/wmview.php?ArtID=19
[+]--At night grandmothers and sisters-in-law turn rosaires.

Susi Meyer

bald!: n0name newsletter #123 u.a. mit "Rezension von Sabine Nuss. 
_Copyright & Copyriot_ 27", "kleiner Fehler in der Tabelle: zum Zug 
der Erinnerung Saarbruecken ---> Auschwitz"

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