
:: carlos katastrofsky - news
:: http://katastrofsky.cont3xt.net
:: 02/2008
:: march 11, 2008



on march 11, 2008 the vienna-based media artist carlos katastrofsky
presented his newest work "opus magnum" within the context of "the
game is up! - frictiesalon" organised by vooruit arts centre vzw
(ghent, belgium). carlos katastrofsky belongs to a young austrian
scene of media artists researching the production, distribution and
consumption of artistic processes on the Internet and investigating
typical practices of the art business such as curating, selling and
exhibiting art and how this machinery can be applied to the virtual

after questioning the redundant mechanisms of digital communication
between over-consumption and total denial in the works "ephemerals"
and "last wishes" in 2007 the artist now gets back to his personal
roots of artistic creation. in his newest work "opus magnum" he calls
himself the "biggest artist in centuries". in one single night of
creative blast he created nearly seventeen million unique paintings
done in a truly minimalistic manner, strictly monochrome, color by
color, number by number, monotonously contemplative, nearly endlessly.

to honour katastrofsky's approach to the conceptual strategies in
painting by names as on kawara and to time-based techniques as applied
by roman opalka all seventeen million paintings are shown on his
website. what can be see by refreshing the page are randomly displayed
virtual reproductions of each painting's colour, from red and green to
blue and all shadings in between. the reductionist originals can be
purchased on the website by the number the reproduction for only 300
euros (currently approx. USD 450) each.




value asks for the value of an artwork. presented at the the game is
up! festival in ghent/belgium in march 2008. the work was made in an
edition of 30 pieces for 5 euros each and could be bought at one of
the vendingmachines at the vooruit arts centre.



this is a newsletter by carlos katastrofsky. if you do not want to
receive information anymore please reply with "NO newsletter". thank

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