International Workshop on Diagramatology 23/24. March 2009 University of

International Workshop on Diagramatology 23/24. March 2009 University of
Lisbon (CFCUL)

Confirmed Keynote-speaker:

- Prof. Frederik Stjernfelt (University Aarhus, Denmark)

Call for participation:

Sent one paper abstract or a short paper proposal until February
10th.2009 (up to 9 pages) including a CV to:
For more information:

(slected papers will be published in a volume of the CFCUL center on
Diagrams and diagrammatic reasoning in sciences and in arts)

"Remember it is by icons only that we really reason, and abstract
statements are valueless in reasoning except so far they aid us to
construct diagrams" Peirce 1893, CP 4.127

1 What is it that one can define as a diagram?
2 What are Diagram machines? What is natural diagramatology?
3 Is diagramatology about creation of and operating with spatiality?
4 How are diagrams used in artistic or scientific processes?
5 What is the relation of visual artefacts and diagramatic reasoning (as
constructing, observing and reconstructing of a visually accessible
6 How do we think visually with diagrams?
7 What?s the relation of image, diagram and metapher?
8 Is there any relation of abduction, hyposthetic abstraction, and
diagrammatic reasoning?
9 Does diagrammatic thinking necessarily imply spatial extensionality?
Does reasoning/thinking call for extensionality?
10 What do diagrams and diagramatology tell us about thinking, reasoning
or developing knowledge? How is this achieved?
11 How is the use of diagrams in arts and sciences a creative activity?
12 Do matematical, special and dynamic sciences need diagrams to develop
knowledge in the same way? How would the art of building diagramming
machines different from good old AI?
13 Are diagrams an alterative or complement to concepts?
14 What is the ontological relation/difference of writing and/or
15 What kind of knowledge is developed with diagrams and diagrammatic
14 What are differences in diverse theoretical diagramming in Deleuze/
Peirce/ Stjernfelt/ Hoffmann/ Leibniz etc.?
15 scribbeling, noting, creating: How Diagrammatic self-distractions of
Philosopher?s theories call for attentive observation for a pheomenon to
be put into a better diagram...

Some quotes of Peirces notion of diagrammatic reasoning:
»A diagram is a representamen which is predominantly an icon of
relations and is aided to be so by conventions. Indices are also more or
less used. It should be carried out upon a perfectly consistent system
of representation, founded upon a simple and easily intelligibile basic
idea« (CP 4.418)

»By diagrammatic reasoning, I mean reasoning which constructs a diagram
according to a precept expressed in general terms, performs experiments
upon this diagram, notes their results, assures itself that similar
experiments performed upon any diagram constructed according to the same
precept would have same results, and expresses this in general terms.
This was a discovery of no little importance, showing, as it does, that
all knowledge without exception comes from observation.« (NEM IV, 47)

Pure Play
»Pure play begins passively enough with drinking in the impression of
some nook in one of the three Universes. But impression soon passes into
attentive observation, observation into musing, musing into lively give
and take of communion between self and self. If one ?s observations and
reflections are allowed to specialize themselves too much, the Play will
be converted into scientific study; and that cannot be persued in odd
half hours.« (CP 6.459)

Ich hoffe,  dass ihr diesen Call weiterleiten könnt.

Alexander Gerner

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