I'm supposed to stop working on Roller 2.0 development this week and start working on testing and debugging. The last bit of dev work that I want to do is the database migration stuff, partial Derby support (from Elias) and possibly upgrade to Hibernate 3.0.

I brought up the topic of Hibernate 3 support a while back and I think we understand the issue well enough so I'd like to call for a vote on this:

I propose that we upgrade the Roller 2.0 code base from Hibernate 2.1.4 to Hibernate 3.0.5.

Work involved:
* Change package imports to new Hibernate 3 package names
* Add HIbernate 3 jars to build script

* To benefit from the many bug fixes made since Hibernate 2.1.4
* To make it easier to support Apache Derby database
* To benefit from updated dependencies
(e.g Hibernate 2's old CGLIB is incompatible with Groovy).

* Risks are minimized by unit tests and the QA work we're about to do
* Main risk is that I'll run into problems, find some compatibility issue (XDoclet for example) and have to back-out after burning a half-day.

- Dave

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