
A few weeks ago, I asked about RSD support on the list. Anil responded and asked if I meant RSS discovery and I responded *incorrectly* saying "yes".

The RSD support I was asking about is here:

It is used for clients like "ecto" or vblogcentral.com (my project) to post to a blog using only the home page URL, a username, and password.

Anyway, I have hacked RSD support into Roller by template editing. I put a "How To" on the Wiki:

I welcome comments and/or feedback.



p.s. It would be cool to roll RSD support into the default templates and/or macros -- I *may* be interested in doing this in the near future.

Sean Gilligan wrote:
Anil Gangolli wrote:

If by RSD, you mean adding an RSS autodiscovery (rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml") link in each theme? I thought someone had done that already, but we certainly should. If this is a different standard, can you provide a pointer motivating it?

Yes, I mean *that* RSD. (I added the rel="" link to the default decorator, the RSD XML file itself, and also a "_nulldecorator" template, so the RSD XML didn't get wrapped with HTML) If it is built-in somewhere, please tell me how to enable it...

If there is no built-in support, I'm willing to add a page to the Wiki showing how I did it. (Which could be a starting point for building RSD support in...)

-- Sean

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