Subject: Cerere urgenta de rugaciune!!! -- Prayer Alert! 
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 4:14 AM 

----- English version follows! ----

Cerere urgenta de rugaciune!!!

Biserica Antiohia din Bucuresti, de pe Str. Episcop Radu, Nr. 53-55, Sector
2, se afla in pericol iminent de a pierde proprietatea (terenul). Primarul
general al Bucurestiului a trimis o citatie bisericii conform careia
proprietatea trebuie predata detinatorului magazinului DIVERTA pana la
sfarsitul saptmanii viitoare. Acesta a castigat procesul la primarie prin
minciuni, afirmand ca nu exista nici o cladire pe proprietatea pretinsa.

In ultimii saptesprezece ani am construit doua cladiri pe aceasta
proprietate - o cladire cu doua etaje pentru biserica si o alta cladire cu
cinci etaje pentru Institutul Teologic Timotheus. Amandoua cladirile au fost
construite avand toate actele legale si aprobarile aferente inclusiv
aprobarile originale obtinute de la Primaria Capitalei.

Acesta este un abuz groaznic si de neconceput pe care il face Primaria
Capitalei si ii rugam pe toti crestinii sa ni se alature in protejarea
lucrarii lui Dumnezeu din Bucuresti. Puteti sa faceti acest lucru prin

1. RUGATI-VA ca Primarul sa se rasgandeasca si sa opreasca acest abuz.

2. SPUNETI tuturor prietenilor dvs. despre acest razboi spiritual si
rugati-i sa se roage impreuna cu noi ca Dumnezeu sa ne ajute in demersurile
noastre de a opri acest abuz inainte ca slujirile crestine de pe
proprietatea aceasta sa fie distruse.

3. Daca sunteti in zona aceasta, VENITI Vineri, 4 mai 2007, la ora 11:00
dimineata sa cream impreuna un scut uman impotriva celor care doresc sa ne
ia proprietatea. Vineri ei planuiesc sa vina si sa aplice sigilii pe usile
proprietatii noastre.

Va multumim pentru ca faceti parte din slujirea crestina in felul acesta!

Elisei Rusu

      Biserica                                          Insitutul Biblic



---- english ---

Prayer Alert!

The Antioch Church in Bucharest, 53-55 Episcop Radu in Sector 2 is in
eminent danger of losing its property. The General Mayor of Bucharest has
sent a ruling to the church that the property must be turned over to the
owner of DIVERTA by the end of the week. The owner won the trial at the
Mayor's office by lying, stating that there are no buildings on the

In the last seventeen years, we have built two buildings on the property -
one a two story building for the church and the other a five story building
for the Timotheus Bible Institute. Both buildings were built with all the
legal approvals including the original approvals from the Mayor's office.

This is an unspeakable and outrageous abuse by the General Mayor of
Bucharest, and we ask all Christians to join us in protecting God's work in
Bucharest. You can do this by taking the following actions:

1. PRAY that the Mayor will change his mind and stop this abuse.

2. TELL all your friends about this spiritual warfare and ask them to pray
with us that the Lord will help us stop this abuse before the ministries on
the property will be disrupted. 

3. If you are in the area, COME on Friday, May 4, 2007 at 11:00 AM and
create with us a human shield against the people who will come to take the
property from us. On Friday they plan to come and seal the doors to the

Thank you for being part of our ministry in this way, as well.

Elisei Rusu

            The Church                                          Thimotheus
Bible Institute

"Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness." (Carlo Goldoni)

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace." (Jimi Hendrix)

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