Tonight I took the wacky build system that gettextize generated, and completely threw it away.

In the po/ directory you will find a very simple build system that I put together.  It's more than simple, it's downright simplistic.  But it will get the job done for our purposes, I think.  All it does is run msgfmt on the .po file(s) and creates .mo file(s).

I've also updated de.po with a couple more missing strings.  You'll notice that some strings are commented out; those are the "obsolete" strings that are no longer in the program.

At this point you should be able to simply edit de.po, run make, and watch ./locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ get updated automatically.  The .mo files will also get installed by "make install".

Everyone please try out this build in as many environments as possible (preferably including some weird non-Linux ones) and let me know if it breaks.  I'd like to get this thing solid so we can do a release soon. 

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