dothebart: I've got good news and bad news.  
 The good news is that GroupDAV is fixed.  It works just fine with 
KOrganizer again.  
 The bad news is that I had to roll back the code.  Something broke during 
the conversion to doxygen, and I couldn't figure out exactly where, so I 
had to roll back all of the groupdav*.[ch] files to just before the 
doxygen conversion began.  You're certainly welcome to put those changes 
back in, but test GroupDAV with KOrganizer every step of the way to make 
sure we don't end up with the same problem again.  
 I'm very sorry that I had to undo your work.  But again, it is working 
 So anyway, once it was working, I tested again with the server-absolute 
URL's instead of global-absolute, and unfortunately it broke KOrganizer.  
KOrg seems to want globally absolute URL's.  I did, however, put all of 
the "host prefix" outputs into a single function which gets called from 
all the other places, so we could think about putting in a "force this 
prefix" string in there.  

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