Sun 23 Apr 2006 09:23:01 PM EDT from IGnatius T [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Better spam filtering would be helpful, but we have to assume that no filter will ever be perfect. It's probably time to implement access controls on mail to rooms.

I think we can safely assume that the following are always allowed:

1. Mail from non-SMTP sources (such as other Citadel nodes on the network)
2. Anything from an authenticated SMTP connection
And it's probably safe to accept mail from:

3. Someone whose address is subscribed to a mailing list room
4. Someone whose address is subscribed to a mailing list room in digest form

So all we have to add is:

5. One extra type of listrecp that doesn't actually get anything delivered from them -- it merely identifies their email address to Citadel as someone who is allowed to post to a room via SMTP

And possibly:

6. A global list of addresses (such as fleeb's cell phone) that can post to *any* room via SMTP.
and there allso needs to be a way to have the old behaviour, if you want to use a room as 'shared inbox' for example stuff like "service@" where people can publicaly mail to, and a team of users processes the mail. though this needs to be spam filtered too.

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