There is no longer a changelog file; you can read the changelog by doing 
"svn update; svn log | less" and svn will generate it for you.  The 
credits are in the manual (docs/citadel.html).  
 Client changes are always welcome; do at least have a brief chat with IO 
ERROR before beginning any non-trivial client project though, so efforts 
can be coordinated.  
 As for the "wish list" ... for a while we were maintaining a wish list 
room; it'd still be here if I had remembered to set it to "permanent" but 
I didn't and the auto-purger got it.  This is a shame because there were a 
lot of good ideas in there.  
 My personal roadmap for Citadel changes depending on the needs of the 
day, but right now it goes something like this:  
 1. Build a framework for distribution lists and virtual addresses.  Allow 
distribution lists, virtual addresses, and mail-to-rooms to be listed in 
the Global Address Book.  
 2. CalDAV server -- but only the *bare* minimum subset of it required in 
order to support the three major client packages that will use it (Mozilla 
Lightning, Ximian Evolution, and OSAF Chandler).  This approach is not 
lazy; it's practical, and is the approach that several other server 
developers intend to use (I chatted with folks from both OGo and 
and they share my extreme dislike for CalDAV).  
 3. Wiki and Blog modules for the Citadel system.  Discussion on this is 
being kept at a low level in order to avoid having some other project with 
more resources bite our idea and do it first.  

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