thierry, i like it as being a good stsart... but some more input.

that 'in Mail (date) wraps arround, i don'th think it's good in there..

maybe it could find some place in the header line? together with that writing icon?

maybe igs cool new address thang could be put there too?

on the icon... maybe the peoples could "jump" out of a drawer? maybe an arrow aside them?

on the 'send message' button... i don't like it above the editing. maybe it could put in some icon in the gray zone too?

and on the botom line... if we put it horizontally like you did it now, i'd put a tiny horizontal separator line between it, and center the items. maybe a thin vertical separator line between the attachment selector and the "Attach file" writing would be nice to group the items logically?

On tinymce.. It seems as if the new version i've tested seems to have two advances usefull for us. It is compatible with opera, and it has the ability to add a vertical resize thumb in an aditional bottomline. I've plaied arround with it a bit, and found that combination:

        "    mode : \"textareas\", width : \"100%%\", browsers : \"msie,gecko\", "
        "    theme : \"advanced\", plugins : \"iespell\", "
        "    theme_advanced_buttons1 : \"bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, justifyleft, justifycenter, justifyright, justifyfull, bullist, numlist, cut, copy, paste, link, image, help, forecolor, iespell, code\", "
        "    theme_advanced_buttons2 : \"\", "
        "    theme_advanced_buttons3 : \"\", "
        "       theme_advanced_path_location : \"bottom\",\n"
"        theme_advanced_resizing : true,\n"
//"        theme_advanced_resize_horizontal : false,\n"
        "    content_css : \"static/webcit-tinymcecss\" "

maybe we should put tinymces icons to the top then? I really like it to be vertical enlargable so i can see more message lines at once, if i like to.

and... other input boxes, like the subject: one, could it use the same font and size as tiny mce does? so we get a little more space out there? and have it being more flat? 

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