As you can see I've created a branch to stage some changes to webcit (I
suppose I could have used TECH_PREVIEW, but at least people won't scream
'revert! revert!' this way).


I have completely rebuilt the message summary/listview. It now loads the
message list for each room via an Ajax request to webcit, which sends the
list in JSON format. Sorting operations etc. now lie with the client. Loading
and sorting can be CPU intensive in browsers without a JavaScript JIT. I just
loaded it up in a WebKit nightly (which has the Squirrelfish JIT) and it
flew.. either way its a timesaver. Its not finished yet.. the resize grippy
hasn't been put back yet, nor has drag and drop - excuse me for being naive,
but can someone tell me what drag and drop is supposed to do in listview?


One new thing I am experimenting is with a context menu - it pops up when the
mouse button is held down for a second (right click is hard to capture
properly). Functionality for the context menu hasn't been implemented, thats
up next.I'm thinking of having search operations client side as well.

Please try it out and give me some feedback.

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