1. Friends of LKRA already taken care of, see
GetRoomListHashLKRA<->GetRoomListHash . When someone needs to use a different
one just add another wrapper around GetRoomListHash

2. I'm aware of that, in this case its intentional as this template needs to
be evaluated at runtime, are you saying there will still be a performance
gain in this case?

3. Good question, for now I'm just building the JSON backend as a way of
presenting the server output in a nicer way to JavaScript. Shouldn't be any
need for one to build their own queries on client-side, named arrays could be
a possibility in the future.

>          Dec 22  0:38      from         dothebart <>                    
>Citadel commit log: revision 6860    
>Matt, three tiny comments:  
>* LKRA has some friends with similar syntax:
>nds You probably should create something that can easily handle all of them
>(maybe by some wrappers?  
> * SVPut and friends are to be avoided in favour of passing structs through
>the context, and writing tiny callbacks. SVPut can't be pre-evaluated while
>parsing the templates, because of they're just known at runtime, while the
>callbacks are there from the start -> saves one hashtable lookup per
>* more of a question... Whats to be prefered? Anonymous arrays or named
>ones? Should we care?  
>Should the json call be able to select the collumns its wanting to see? And,
>should it be able to select a vector of names to choose from to build named
>arrays? ala:  
>and listnames be looked up in a hashtable where we would find s.th. like
>struct json_token { int Type (= STR / INT); const char * Key, long
>struct json_array{ int nValues, const json_token** types};  
>so you could put a list of json_tokens into a json_array, and put the
>json_array into the hash named by for example LKRA  
>the 100-evaluator could lookup them, select the columns you need, decide by
>Type what it needs to do (just print the number, or rather escape a string?)
>plus add the names..  

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