Ok, my LDAP connection now works fine, but I was confused by some things: 1. citadel setup should tell me, that any user account from the directory with euid=0 will be an admin on citadel 2. It should also tell me that i can specify another account *from the directory* as admin and omit the password question for that account (since the passwort is taked from the directory!) 3. The "Change password" in webcit (probably in citadel too?) should be removed (OR, what i would prefer :) citadel should really change the password for the user i the directory 4. The Openid config section should vanish from the advanced menu (unless webcit becomes a full blown openid server instantly, what i would also prefer) Basically, these four things should be corrected so new users dont get confused and to get a more streamlined appearance. Anyway, cheers and thanks for making such a nice application!

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