Mon Sep 06 2010 7:12:03 am EDT EDT from samjam @ Uncensored Subject: Re: Fw: [PATCH] Fake the old version number for the paths inside the tar files

The symlink loop occurs when this line is executed:

ln -sf libcitadel libcitadel-7.83
cd libcitadel-7.83

if libcitadel-7.83 is already a symlink pointing to libcitadel - so the symlink get's made inside libcitadel. The -f option doesn't have the desired effect if the pre-existing symlink target is a directory.

Patch to follow.

It would help sending git-patches if drafts-mode patch could be enabled on uncensored; git-imap-send dumps the diff and message in my drafts folder ready for me to pick-up.

Although I found the un-quote button works nice. (Why doesn't the un-quote button appear for normal builds, but shows up on uncensored?)

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