
I created a new package citadel-repo which contains the apt, yum and zypper configuration. I got that idea from Dag Wieƫrs rpmforge-release package. I also wrote a small howto (see appendix).

There's one disadvantage: The howto uses an URL to the package which changes if the release number changes (due to rebuilds in the OBS). It may be difficult to keep the howto up to date.

How to configure and use Citadel repo?

It's very easy. Just install the latest citadel-repo package *for your
distribution and architecture*.

This will automatically install the configuration and GPG keys that are
for safely installing Citadel packages. 

Please select the correct command from the following list:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6:
rpm -Uhv 
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5:
rpm -Uhv 
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4:
rpm -Uhv 
Fedora Linux 15:
rpm -Uhv 
Fedora Linux 14:
rpm -Uhv 
Fedora Linux 13:
rpm -Uhv 
CentOS 5:
rpm -Uhv 
openSUSE 11.4:
rpm -Uhv 
openSUSE 11.3:
rpm -Uhv 
openSUSE Factory:
rpm -Uhv 
openSUSE Tumbleweed:
rpm -Uhv 
SUSE Linux Enterprise 11:
rpm -Uhv 
SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP1:
rpm -Uhv 

How do I use Apt to install citadel ?

Apt originally was developed by the Debian project to work together
with DEB packages. Since there are not many functional differences
between RPM and DEB packages, Conectiva ported Apt to use RPM. 

The configuration of Apt is inside the citadel-repo package. 
You need to install it yourself.

Update the local repository meta-data by doing:
  # apt-get update
Install the whole Citadel suit:
  # apt-get install citadel* webcit
You can upgrade your system with the latest packages with:
  # apt-get upgrade
Or remove the whole Citadel suite:
  # apt-get remove citadel* webcit libcitadel2
From time to time you may want to save some diskspace:
  # apt-get clean

Remember to update your local repository often before upgrading or
installing software, so that you can enjoy the latest and greatest.
Some people rather use a graphical program to select and install
packages. Apt has a nifty graphical front-end, called Synaptic.

How do I use Yum to install Citadel ?

Yum is an update-tool written in python. The advantage of Yum is that
it is written in Python. The disadvantage is that there are many
versions of Yum, and only recent versions work with recent distributions.
If you like to use a single tool across all distributions, it's better
to use Apt. 

Yum is usually already installed if you're running Fedora or a recent
version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux or CentOS.

The configuration of Yum is inside the citadel-repo package. You need
to install it yourself.

Update the local repository meta-data by doing:
  # yum makecache 
Install the whole Citadel suite:
  # yum install citadel\* webcit 
Or update all installed packages:
  # yum update
Or remove the whole Citadel suite:
  # yum remove citadel\* webcit libcitadel2 
From time to time you may want to save some diskspace:
  # yum clean

How do I use zypper to install Citadel ?

Zypper is openSUSE's package management tool. 

Zypper is usually already installed if you're running openSUSE or a 
recent version of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server/Desktop.

The configuration of zypper is inside the citadel-repo package. You need
to install it yourself.

It's not necessary to update the package cache.
Install the whole Citadel suite:
  # zypper in citadel\* webcit 
Or update all Citadel related packages:
  # zypper update -r citadel
Or remove the whole Citadel suite:
  # zypper remove citadel\* libcitadel2 webcit
From time to time you may want to save some diskspace:
  # zypper clean -a

How do I use up2date ?
up2date is a tool written and shipped by Red Hat to update your system
with the latest available updates. Starting with Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 3 and Fedora Core 1 it can also be used with Apt and Yum repositories.
Install up2date from your Red Hat installation and then add one of the
following statements to /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources:

### Citadel RPM Repository for Fedora
yum citadel 

### Citadel RPM Repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux
yum citadel 

Now start up2date to update your system, by doing:
  # up2date -u

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