hm, some working and some not is new ;-) You should definitely upgrade from 8.05.


I've seen that the indexer runs inline the queue thread, so while its doing its job neither mails nor networking nor rssfeeds will work.

we should search for a way to make that separated; either putting it into its own thread or limiting the amount of messages to index at once.


I think we should now branch the stable-8.1x;  in other news, i've prepared to separate the textclient from the citserver compile; both is working again, I've added another lib; libcitadelclient.

i'm not yet set whether it can live side by side with libcitadel, or whether it should get its own build tree. At least it should ease porting of the client, what some asked for recently, since you then just need to compile the lib and the client.


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