Working for most: Thunderbird, Claws-mail, outlook 2010 and before (with
help) mac mail (with help)  

Not working: EssentialPIM, Evolution (although the devs there were nice
enough to patch their client to work with the faulty server...) ,
outlook2013, Chaos Intellect (I am sure there were others...)  


I will be unavailable this next week on and off as well, so it should work
out. I am not usually around late at night, unless something is really
broken, but usually respond if I am around.   


I was posting a message, and unfortunately, citadel crashed in between me
writing it and trying to send it, so hopefully I can remember everything I
typed. bleh.  
>  Thu Apr 06 2017 08:28:35 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored 
>Subject: Re: Status?
>    Geez. I don't understand how IMAP could have been that broken for that
>long without more people noticing it. Can you tell me which clients worked
>and which ones didn't (before we fixed it) ? 
>I'm in US Eastern time too, but I usually hack Citadel late at night. Also
>note that next week I will be on a business trip and will be online less
>We'll keep the conversation going but I will be moving at a slower pace. 
>With my rewrite of the pollers completed, though, our QA routine will be the
>main activity. 



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