Oops, sorry.  Your post says "no listing of email addresses yet."  We're not
yet breaking out the email addresses; I just wanted to make sure we're catching
the correct accounts.  For example, my output looks like this: 
 itserver[22787]: ldap: populating Citadel user database from LDAP 
 citserver[22787]: ldap: bind DN: CN=ldap,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com 
 citserver[22787]: ldap: search: 

 citserver[22787]: ldap: 9 entries returned 
 citserver[22787]: ldap: found CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com

 citserver[22787]: ldap: found CN=Guest,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com 
 citserver[22787]: ldap: found CN=krbtgt,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com 
 citserver[22787]: ldap: found CN=IGnatius T Foobar,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com

 citserver[22787]: ldap: found CN=ldap,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com 
 citserver[22787]: ldap: found CN=Friko
 citserver[22787]: ldap: found CN=Egg Roll,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com 
 citserver[22787]: ldap: found CN=Phluphphy,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com 
 citserver[22787]: ldap: found CN=Abraham Lincoln,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com

 That's all we're looking for.  This will happen at startup and then every
minute (obviously we' 
 ll back this down to a less frequent interval in production). 
 Your search string should show as "(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)".  If this
doesn't produce your list of users, we have to come up with the correct query
to do so. 

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