>What mainly caught my attention is the inbox filter engine.  I'm not sure
 >(perhaps I should read back some.. ) exactly what you're referring to. 
 libSieve is old and unmaintained, and most people just want to write inbox
rules using the rule editor anyway, so we're abandoning Sieve and making the
inbox rule editor the native language. 
 We're able to do this because WebCit never actually "decompiled" Sieve scripts
for subsequent editing.  Instead, the rules were stored as comments in the
generated scripts.  The upgrade code extracts those and stores them as native
rules in the new format. 
 The per-user configuration upgrade code is complete.  The changes to the
protocol and to WebCit to access inbox rules in the new format is also complete.
 The code to go through the rule set upon receipt of each new message is 
 All that's left is to finish the actual processing
 This is one of those "side quests" that I undertook on a whim, because people
were starting to have trouble with libSieve in the build. 

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