The above is kind of a big deal  :) 
 This means that the code available in the Docker container is going to be
exactly the same as the code available through Easy Install.  You wanted 
that Easy Install isn't going away -- here it is.  It's all part of the same
build chain now: 
 1. I have a script called "push-easyinstall" that I use to tell the download
site to grab the latest git master (or some other tag if needed) and make
tarballs.  It also publishes MD5 summaries, which the Easy Install client
uses to detect whether it needs to do anything if someone is attempting an
    (The above has been in place for many years now.) 
 2. A newly installed build host runs a nightly job which builds the container
and pushes it to Docker Hub.  Thanks to the magic of the Dockerfile ADD command,
there is a step which downloads the tarballs, but if they are the same
as they were yesterday, the container hash doesn't change from what was in
the cache, and the remaining build steps also use the cache.  Likewise for
pushing the image to Docker Hub: the client and server see the same image
with the same tag and the same hash, so it doesn't bother uploading anything
 I think the trendy kids refer to this as a CI/CD Pipeline. 

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