Oh boy. 
 That was a really long and painful day of troubleshooting.  After updating
all of my SSL server code to the latest practices, I was no longer able to
establish SSL connections to Uncensored EXCEPT on HTTPS.  So no encrypted
IMAP, no encrypted XMPP, everything just threw a cipher error. 
 And that was ONLY in production, not on the development system.  No clue
at all! 
 I had to do a lot of backtracking and a lot of regression before I got it
to work again.  Only in citserver, it seems, I have to use 
and set the cipher list to "ALL:RC4+RSA:+SSLv2:+TLSv1:!MD5:@STRENGTH" instead
of "DEFAULT" for it to work at all. 
 So anyway, Citadel 948 is now published on Easy Install, and some time during
the overnight, the build system will discover something new and build a new
Docker version.   943 through 947 are all b0rked. 
 The good news though, is that the mutex code is in place and we should be
able to hammer it without crashing. 

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