No, that's a result of Timo's freeloader work.

-----Original Message----- From:
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2011 6:26 PM
To: ReactOS Development List
Subject: Re: [ros-dev] ACPI enabled on Linux Testslave

Could this be related?

(boot/freeldr/freeldr/arch/i386/pcdisk.c:130) err: Disk Read Failed in LBA modePnP-BIOS failed to enumerate device nodes (boot/freeldr/freeldr/arch/i386/pcdisk.c:130) err: Disk Read Failed in LBA modeWinLdrLoadImage() failed (boot/freeldr/freeldr/windows/peloader.c:144) err: WinLdrpLoadAndScanReferencedDll() failed


Regarding soundcard, issue in 52098 should now be fixed, so it would be wise to turn it on again. Not so simple on CMake though.

Den 2011-09-28 00:05:29 skrev "Colin Finck" <>:
Hi all,

Just for your information, I have enabled ACPI for the KVM machine used
by the Linux Testslave today.

For reference, the full VM configuration is like this:
* QEMU/KVM-based i686 ACPI machine
* 256MB of RAM
* 512MB HDD on IDE Primary Master
* ReactOS ISO on IDE Secondary Master
* AMD PCNet-compatible Network Adapter
* COM1 port redirected to a virtual Linux terminal device
* PS/2 mouse
* Tablet pointing device on USB
   Usually useful if any KVM machine is controlled over VNC, but probably
   not relevant for ReactOS yet.

As you see, there is no virtual sound card (disabled as of 2011-06-07
due to r52098 according to my notes). Is this still correct?

- Colin

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