As a side note, it was interesting to note that the way people look at
ReactOS changed a bit. Cannot say why though. We're still a hobby
project for many, but some start thinking about things they could do
with ReactOS.

One project is considering shipping ReactOS as a LiveCD to allow their
users to flash their USB devices without using Windows.
I won't give name here, I let them study how suitable ReactOS is for
their needs, and come back at us/release if that's OK.

If I've got more news on this, I'll forward.

On 02/06/2015 12:06 AM, Colin Finck wrote:
> Hi all,
> FOSDEM 2015 has ended some days ago. After five years of absence, the
> ReactOS Project was finally represented with a stand again, maintained
> by Aleksey Bragin, Giannis Adamopoulos, Pierre Schweitzer and me.
> Turns out that FOSDEM has significantly grown over the recent years,
> so our experiences really deserve a report - and should motivate
> others to join us next time! :)
> Our stand was born around 11 o'clock on Saturday when I arrived at the
> AW building. After walking several rounds in the building and neither
> finding known people nor a free table, it turned out that the coreboot
> guys next to us had tried to expand their presence a bit ;)
> Reclaiming our booth was a matter of a few words though, and soon we
> had a sweet spot in the building with enough space for the upcoming
> crowd. With Aleksey arriving shortly after that, along with several
> flags and pins, our empire was finally alive and marked! Giannis and
> Pierre arrived in the course of the day, right in time for the
> afternoon rush hour with lots of people interested in ReactOS. Our
> four person booth staff was really overwhelmed in these times. But
> let's see, maybe we even got new developers through this :)
> Our stock of 100 ReactOS demonstration CDs prepared by Hermès
> Bélusca-Maito and me already ran out during the first day. Given our
> experiences at other exhibitions and the general phase-out of CDs
> these days, this came totally unexpected. But it wouldn't be the
> ReactOS Project if we had no solution to the problem. On the same
> Saturday evening, Pierre and me went out on a little adventure into
> downtown Brussels in the hope of finding open stores that sell all we
> needed: Blank CDs, labels and paper sleeves. And we were successful!
> Returning with another 100 CDs, all disc drives of our laptops were
> working that evening and the full other day, busy with burning new
> ReactOS CDs. FOSDEM staff was kind enough to offer one of their
> printers for getting the additional labels done. And our booth on
> Sunday had partly turned into a CD manufacturing plant. With the
> consequence of people sometimes grabbing the CD labels and trying to
> read them before being presented with our real flyers :)
> At the end of the conference, around 170 ReactOS CDs were in the wild.
> Definitely much more than what we expected!
> Of course, the culinary supply also didn't come too short in the
> capital of Belgium. On Saturday evening, we met up with our friend
> Nuno Brito, who had already reserved a nice restaurant for us.
> Obviously, he had learned from last year! I well remember the evening,
> when five hungry geeks walked for half an hour through the city,
> trying to beat the unsolvable problem of finding the best restaurant
> for all of us.
> I've put up some of Aleksey's and my photos here:
> Maybe more to come in the next few days!
> I hope you're now all eager to join us next time to this wonderful event!
> Cheers,
> Colin
> P.S.: Feel free to use this for a news article about FOSDEM on our website
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Pierre Schweitzer <>
System & Network Administrator
Senior Kernel Developer
ReactOS Deutschland e.V.

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