
The credentials just have been sent. The meeting will start in a half or so.
If you didn't receive them, please contact me before the meeting starts.

The meeting will take place on #meeting, fezile.reacots.org (6667 no
SSL). If you don't have credentials, you won't be able to attend it.


On 24/05/2015 18:56, Aleksey Bragin wrote:
> Hello,
> Let me invite you to the monthly status meeting taking place 28th of
> May, 19:00 UTC, as always.
> IRC service will only be started shortly before the meeting. Your
> participation passwords and server address will be emailed to you
> shortly before the meeting starts, and they are going to be different
> once again as they are not stored in any database. Hopefully it's not
> much of inconvenience.
> Please send agenda proposals to me before the meeting, so that we can
> start with a proposed agenda.
> Regards,
> Aleksey Bragin
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Pierre Schweitzer <pierre at reactos.org>
System & Network Administrator
Senior Kernel Developer
ReactOS Deutschland e.V.

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