Hi all!

I would like to propose some topic to discuss on the next meeting (will it
be on March, 26?)

* Drop one theme from "default" package.
Last release we added two new themes, but they both look unfinished in many
aspects. As we have an active maintainer for one of them (Mizu), my
suggestion is to either drop the Lunar, or "merge" it with Lautus (I find
them quite similar - correct me if I'm wrong)
I think it's worth asking cernodile and foxlet about their thoughts. I have
a strong opinion that 4 themes is too much for "default" package

By the way, we have many times discussed an option to make custom themes be
installed from Rapps. What do we need to do for that?
And finally, it would be nice to write down some formal criteria for
accepting themes. It will make PR reviewers' life easier :)

* Hire a developer for dev-web interface and/or a devops for our
Making that a GSoC project required too much effort for a mentor; so in the
end the project was not too efficient in terms of time spent/amount of work
done ratio (as a GSoC project it is great, but the interface is still far
from being usable)
I think it is reasonable to hire some experienced developer for maybe a
month or something (is we have enough funds, ofc).
That will probably require a more detailed task from us.
Suggestions are welcome here :)

We don't have to wait for a meeting, may start discussing that here :)

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