Hello guys,

like last year we have a virtual booth on Chemnitz Linux Days. Like last time things will happen in Work Adventure (https://workadventu.re/) and will be full of people who most likley all will be able to talk english, too.

So "sorry, I don't speak german..." does not count :P

Anyways, we have a conference room, too. (based on Jitsi or BigBlueButton) We can create some kind of program what we will show and when. This has to be finished until Feb 21st. Same goes for the guys who wanna join. So I am open for ideas and guys with some spare time left.

More information can be found here: https://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2022/en

And we have a public channel in MM for discussion: https://chat.reactos.org/reactos/channels/clt-2022

So... please reply and show up for this Linux days adventure ^^ Some presentation is always welcome, too. I will not hold a presentation like last year where I decided to translate my german one on the fly. That was... interesting.

Daniel Reimer

Ros-dev mailing list

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