(Sent to the RDBO list too because this is mostly an RDBO issue.)

On 1/9/06 7:11 AM, Sean Davis wrote:
> In a simple form, I have a text field with length => 10.  When I call
> validate() with an input to that field longer than 10, I get a fatal error.
> Caught exception "Dog::DB::Dog: Value for gender() is too long.  Maximum
> length is 10 characters.  Value is 17 characters: sdfasdfsdfasdfasd at
> /Library/Perl/5.8.6/Rose/HTML/Form.pm line 527"
> How can I set that behavior to NOT be fatal?

The fatal error is being triggered by the gender() column accessor on your
Dog::DB::Dog object, not by the textfield.

In Rose::HTML::Objects land:

    $field = Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Text->new(name => 'gender',
                                                size => 17);

    # No fatal error thrown here
    $field->input_value('this value is too long');

In Rose::DB::Object land:

    $dog = Dog::DB::Dog->new;

    $dog->gender($field->internal_value); # fatal error: value too long!

The Rose::DB::Object behavior can be changed on a per-column basis by
setting the "overflow" attribute of the column, which exists in the Scalar
column class and is inherited by the various character-based columns:


This value needs to be set before the column methods are created in your
Rose::DB::Object-derived class.  That is, before initialize() (or
auto_initialize) is called.  (Well, strictly, before make_column_methods()
is called.)  If you're calling initialize() manually, it's easy:

    gender => { type => 'varchar', length => 17, overflow => 'truncate' },


If you are using auto_initialize(), then you can use the pre_init_hook()
feature of the metadata object:


(Whoops, I'll fix that POD formatting error in my next release.)

      foreach my $column (Dog::DB::Dog->meta->columns)
        $column->overflow('truncate')  if($column-> type eq 'varchar');

The Loader supports the same parameter, and simply passes it on to the
metadata object at the appropriate time:


There is currently no "ignore" value for the overflow attribute, but I will
add one if someone considers it useful.


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