
I wonder if there is a shortcut for multi level relationships.
I have three tables in a relationship like 'cities', 'states' and 
'countries'. Now I would like to say something like 
print $city->country->name;
I know how to to it in two steps (first get the state then the 
country from there) or with redundency (have an additional country_id 
in cities) but I don't like these alternatives so I tried with 
something like this (in Cities.pm):

    state => {
        type       => 'many to one',
        class      => 'MyApp::States',
        column_map => { state_id => 'id' },
    country => {
        type       => 'many to one',
        class      => 'MyApp::Countries',
        column_map => { '__PACKAGE__->state(id => state_id)-
>country_id' => 'id' },

but that doen't work, probably because state is not a class method 
and I don't have an object yet.
Is there some other way I can do it?


p.s.: After some more experimenting I came up with this object 
sub country {
    my $self = shift;
    my $state = MyApp::States->new(id => $self->state_id)->load();
    my $country = $state->country();
    return $country;

This is o.k. for me as a solution but if there is a way to do it the 
"meta->relationship" way I would prefer it because it is more 
readable if everything is in one place.

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